Eagles vs. Chiefs: Chiefs: -1.5, O/U: 49.5, Chiefs -125, Eagles +104
Super Bowl parties are where champions are made. Not on the field. In your house, in your kitchen, on your deck. You can be a champion. You just need to perform and talking to your significant other, you lack in that department. Don't worry, we've got you.
Last week, we made a main meal (Check this bad boy out. BBQ SHRIMP POBOY ->) and this week, we're keeping the theme up, but we're making an appetizer this time. It's the best of all the worlds. You can choose what to make.
Look, Burnt Ends are some of the best bites in all of BBQ. Soft Pretzels are the pinnacle of munch-ability. Outside of throwing them together into another sandwich, this may be the best way to get both of those things in your gullet.
Check out the whole recipe here: Burnt End Beer Cheese Dip with Pretzel Bites ->
The Recipe
I say this with nearly every recipe that I do, well, because it is always true. This recipe is simple as hell. There is some time involved with this one, but you literally don't have to do much.
Burnt Ends: Cube. Season. Smoke.
Pretzel Bites: Heat.
Beer Cheese: Mix all parts. Chill.
That's it. Obviously, I'm going to tell you more in-depth details, but come on, you can make this in your sleep.
I get that the Super Bowl is Kansas City v. Philly, but ya know what? We're from Wisconsin, the dip shall have beer. The dip shall have cheese. You. Are. Welcome.
Product Highlights
We have a Kansas City BBQ Rub, I think I'll use that for Kansas City Burnt Ends. Don't ask how I landed on that one. Burnt Ends need a hell of a sauce to pair with it...The All-American! You need a binder for that chuck roast. We got you covered, Lowcountry Gold. Lastly, you need a little cut of acid for the BOMBASS rich dip, that White Lightning will do! (If you don't understand how diverse our sauces are, look at the last few recipes my dude/ette.)
Products Used (click to check them out!):
KC Combo Kansas City BBQ Rub
Bayou Basics New Orleans Creole Seasoning
The All-American Competition Style BBQ Sauce
Lowcountry Gold Carolina Mustard BBQ Sauce
White Lightning Alabama White BBQ Sauce
It doesn't matter if you're looking for an app or a main, we got you and your Super Duper Party. The big thing that I've realized through this Super Bowl season is how amazing soft pretzels/pretzel buns are! I have ALWAYS love them, but hot damn. I've eaten them so much over the past few weeks that it has rekindled something deep inside me haha.
You know what else? Brisket is awesome. Pulled pork is great! I think KC style BBQ is my favorite 😲 Definitely not my favorite football team, though...
RECIPE: Burnt End Beer Cheese Dip with Pretzel Bites – The Tailgate Foodie
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/vn_GvAL0RNQ