Great Job Guys, you knocked it out of the park with this one!
We Want To Be Part of Your Stores Success!
What to expect when you work with us:
Big or Small
No matter how big or how small your store is, we want to be apart of your story! Just know what you get with us isn't what you get with others. Our willingness to help you and ourselves succeed is unmatched.
We want to hear from you. We don't just stop communication once we're on your shelves! Anything that we can do, any suggestions you have, and anything you hear from you customers, we want to know!
Hard Work
This is more so for our local customers: Not only are we willing to stock the shelves ourselves, but we WANT to come in and showcase our products. We are more than happy to come in do tastings and sampling.
Not only that, we LOVE to collaborate. We have cooked and offered our seasoning with multiple grocery stores and other vendors!
The coolest one? We smoked an Alligator with one of our seasonings with a store we continue to be in!
Our Product
Our products won't taste like anything else on your shelves.
We aren't just proud of our products, we create each and every recipe.
We don't just throw a label on a bottle and call it our own like many others in our industry.
Not only that, but we are never satisfied. We have a pulse on the industry and are always looking how we can stay ahead. Whether that is with new products or changing current ones, we are ready and able to do so!