Tortellini and Cheese, Mac and Cheese for the fancy people...

Sometimes, these Recipe Challenges are hard for me. Why? Simple, as an Elder Millennial, I have refined my skills of, some call it creativity, some call it not following the rules. Sarah put out an amazing sounding recipe. Roasted Tomatoes, Italian Sausage, Tortellini…DROOL!

Here’s the thing that happened when I read this: 1) I pictured how this fit with our brand. Selfish, I know. People would enjoy it, but doesn’t exactly “fit”. 2) How can I make it fit?

I am using a lot of similar ingredients and admittedly, making a very different recipe. Should I even being doing the challenge if I’m not making the recipe given?? haha

Week #2 Challenge

Cut of Meat: Italian Sausage
Challenge/Recipe: One Pot Tortellini and Sausage

Like I said, her recipe looks fantastic. Honestly, it is something I will make for Mrs. Foodie and I (minus the tomatoes…she doesn’t like them. WHO DID I MARRY?!). But me and my “creative” self wanted to be a little…extra. I am using Tortellini and I am using Italian Sausage. Basically the same recipe, right? Plus, I really like Mac and Cheese. I have an entire marketing and business plan written up for a Mac and Cheese food truck. It truly is a passion. 

So, at its core I’m using the 2 most important ingredients and whipping up: Tortellini and Cheese with Hot Italian Sausage Crumbles.

Even though I am not “following” the recipe, this challenge always gets my brain going which makes it so fun for me. In Sarah’s email this week, she even said to make the recipe your own! All I heard when I read that was “Mr. Foodie! MAKE MAC AND CHEESE!” Here we are, making Mac and Cheese

Full Recipe:
Tortellini and Cheese with Hot Italian Crumbles

Products used:
The All-American: America’s BBQ Sauce
Backyard Burger Blend

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